February 13, 2025

Have you always dreamed of being a photographer? Do not be discouraged by the expensive equipment that you need to own. You can consider camera lens rental if you are just starting out. There is no need to buy an expensive camera and lens as soon as you decide to pursue your dream.

If you are looking for the right place to rent lenses and cameras, BorrowLenses has got you covered. They will provide affordable equipment rental that can help any budding photographer.

Now, enough with the expensive equipment. Aside from the cost, another thing that hinders amateur photographers is the lack of knowledge in the field. That being said, keep on reading and we will let you know some of the basic rules of photography.

Do Not Put the Subject in the Center

The Rule of Thirds is one thing that is repeatedly thought in photography classes that are aimed at beginners. Essentially, you have to divide the frame into nine equal parts. There should be two horizontal and two vertical lines. The subject should be positioned at any point where the lines meet. This will require you to make an adjustment in your shot to make sure that the subject is not at the center of the frame. This makes the photo more interesting.

Let the Lines Lead

When it comes to the composition of photos, leading the line is one terminology that you will encounter. This is a concept that is closely related to the rule of thirds. Simply put, what this means is that the viewer’s eyes should be led to the photo, which is important when you are shooting architectural subjects. These lines can be physical, such as a wall. These lines should lead to the subject of the photo.

Capture the Right Light

The true magic of photography does not come from the camera but from the lighting. With this, you should be familiar with the exposure triangle, which consists of three things – aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. You need to tweak the settings depending on the conditions of the external environment. They will affect how the light projects to the subject and how the photos will look like.

Keep the Viewer’s Focused

It is important to consider the movement of the eye when taking photos. This simply refers to the direction at which the eyes will move when looking at the picture. Regardless if it moves from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right, the important thing is to stay within the frame. Therefore, when taking photos, avoid distractions as this can lead the eyes out of the frame, which means that interest will be lost.

Taking photos can be challenging, especially if you are a newbie. Even if you are handed an expensive camera, this does not mean that you can take excellent photos. You need to know and master the rules before you can break them. From the rule of thirds to the concept of leading lines, be familiar with the basic principles to be better in no time!

Blake Aldrich

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